Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Leni Desfita UNSW said...

Lugu, lucu, tapi suka ndak nYadar kalo lagi lucu. Familyman, dan orang yang mau kerja keras buat maju.
Go... go... go... always...
Never forget our lovely 6 months in IALF.

Huminca Sinaga from PIKIRAN RAKYAT assumed...

Mas Kobir, Mas Kobir, Mas Kobir.... Gai's best student, I assume he he he. You are a nice guy as well as very thoughtful person. I am so lucky to have U as my friend.

Syamsul Bahri from Aceh ordered...

Keep asking, that is good.....
Keep in touch with your friend!

Ratih Damayanti PPATK's Opinion...

Pak Kobir... di awal serious banget loh.... tapi lama2 tertular Gai jg yeeh... suka jahil & cynical loh...Keep on your style OK!

Wurdaningsih View...

Mr. Finance YG lUGU... Pedenya buat ane iri..... SukSES SLALU...

Didik Setiaji told...

Kobri... eh Kobir... You're is you're!

Maya Sherly Kartika Uni Flinders asked...

Serius neh saya mau nanya, gimana sih caranya membagi waktu 24 jam sehari utk anak/keluarga dan studi? He..he.. I am suspicious man!

Nurhemida to sum up...

Mas, thanx ya for supporting me... Our first session made me confident... You gave me a big support... Wish me luck in my future ya??

Yopie Fetrian at ANU argue that...

Actually I don't know you well, but I'm very happy because I guess 6 months is not enough. I need to know you after more time.

Fauzan as he can see...

Ayo Mas Khobir. Kapan nih diajak berenang sama Ikbal. Khobir is a smarter guy, although he is sometimes "ngawur" in explaining something. Truly, I really enjoy having friend like you. Keep in touch ya.....!!!

Natalia Krist Uni Melbourne said...

I admire you, Mas. Student yang rajin, tekun, and selalu bersemangat. A good Family Man. Beruntunglah istri + anak2mu....Semoga Sukses!

Cita Macquaire thought...

Khobir. You always can say something that no body does not think about. You can think critically. But... You are funny guys easy going. It is nice to be your friend.

Arif Mukhyar concluded:

Mas Khobir, you're such very funny person, but I found you're so "Lugu" sometimes. Celutukannya lumayan juga untuk menghidupkan suasana kelas.....